Art integration is instruction that integrates content, skills and specific state outcomes from the arts—dance, music, theater, and the visual arts—with other core subject area outcomes. Art integration occurs when there is a seamless blending of the content and skills of an art form with those of a co-curricular subject. These lessons provide students with a more meaningful learning experience that engages students at a new level of understanding.
What is the Art Teacher's role in a STEAM School?
S We teach science in art. When introducing lessons about landscapes, living forms, or the human body, we identify and describe elements in artworks reflecting these subjects. My students can name human and insect body parts while we draw them, describe habitats and zoom their eyes into an object like a microscope when they are doing observational drawings. We are also tapping into science standards when working with materials. Through the use of artistic materials, we are performing experiments and manipulating the ingredients to create something new. Clay is a prime example. When you first work with ceramic clay, it is soft and damp, but once dried after your project is created, the clay is hardened and ready for firing or painting. I plan to work hard this summer on creating new lessons that will apply to our schools planetary theme.
T We teach technology in art. I have two desk tops , a laptop and a projector in my room. Students are familiar with the technology used to display images and utilize online resources for project inspiration. I use a camera daily in my room to document students' artistic process and to show critical thinking. With upper grades cameras are used for documentation along with photography. Even an overhead projector is an element of technology that students can interact with.
E We teach engineering in art. We know of engineering as a branch of science and technology that focuses on the design, construction, and use of machines and structures, but it is also the action of working artfully to bring something about. It does sound like the arts can fit into this category, but when STEM is talked about in a curriculum, many times the “creating” part of engineering focuses on the mechanical aspect. In art, we design, construct and many times use our artworks from our imagination or from subjects that inspire us. We can be architects designing drawings of buildings, fabricators constructing mechanical artworks, or mini scientists designing robots.
A We advocate for the arts in education. Even though the arts have been pushed aside with the “race to the top”, NCLB, and common core push, we are still the glue that holds the bridge together. When I advocate for the arts in my school, I try to share how I tap into core subjects in my lessons, reinforcing what students learn. This will be done by showing how I keep the integrity of the art standards,by posting standards along side of displayed work. When I display students’ work around the school, share it in the community, and show my administration I try to explain the importance of the arts in STEAM.
A We advocate for the arts in education. Even though the arts have been pushed aside with the “race to the top”, NCLB, and common core push, we are still the glue that holds the bridge together. When I advocate for the arts in my school, I try to share how I tap into core subjects in my lessons, reinforcing what students learn. This will be done by showing how I keep the integrity of the art standards,by posting standards along side of displayed work. When I display students’ work around the school, share it in the community, and show my administration I try to explain the importance of the arts in STEAM.
M We teach Math to the students. We use geometry, symmetry, perspective, measurements, and more, all while scaffolding these skills as the grade levels advance. I use grids to create larger scale projects. By doing this I am including mathematics standards within my lessons! While I am assessing student work that requires the use of shapes, symmetry, and measurements, I am also assessing on the math standards.